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A knocking at the Door

Two Eyes

My name is Melaine. I am a 13 years old who has had but one experience with the paranormal so far throughout my life. Here it is: I was 6 years old, and it was a normal November night for me. I was in bed by 8:00 sharp, as every night, but I usually stayed up an hour later... I was looking out my window as I had done at that time to get to sleep. I had always been "scared" of the dark, and I would be sure to cover my whole body up and only leave a small slit open, so I could breathe. But on this night I had been feeling brave and decided to take the covers off my head.

Well, as I was looking out my window I had felt a creepy feeling come over me and instinctively threw the covers over my head. After the feeling passed I took the covers back off and my eyes went straight to the window. There, in that window, were two huge, blood red eyes staring at me. I couldn't move, it was as if I was frozen with fear... and then, they were gone. I regained enough of myself to throw the covers on my head and stay up half the night scared to death.

Then about 4 years later I was in my kitchen, thinking about what had happened, my babysitter was watching me and I asked her if she had had any unusual experiences and she broke down crying saying that she didn't want the man in the window to come back! I asked her which window and it was the same window where I saw those eyes!

